Greetings from Louisiana rice country! This year, the blog will concentrate research conducted at the LSU AgCenter Rice Research Station, in addition to showing the progress of a 6-acre field of rice planted March 19 to produce foundation seed. We encourage your comments and thoughts to help improve this online tool. If you would like a photograph of a particular piece of equipment or a better explanation of a process, let us know.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Permanent flood

The well was started Wednesday for the permanent flood on the blog field. If everything goes as planned, the water won’t be released until 2 weeks before harvest, expected in mid-August.

Larry White, foundation seed manager at the Rice Research Station, applied a herbicide combination Tuesday of RiceBeaux and Permit. Wednesday morning, an airplane flew 200 pounds of urea fertilizer per acre just before the valve was opened for the water, shown in the video below.